Service Agreement

By booking a brief therapy or work coaching session, you accept this Service Agreement. So read the document carefully!

If you have any questions regarding the Service Agreement, please feel free to contact me. Contact information can be found here. You can find the Finnish version of this Service Agreement here.

  1. All discussions in brief therapy and work coaching are confidential. This also applies to notes made by the therapist, which are kept in a locked box, pseudonymized. Exceptions to this policy are situations in which the life or safety of the customer or someone else is clearly at risk. In these situations, the therapist will, in her discretion, disclose the matter to a confidential third party, such as the client’s close relative or official authorities.
  2. Brief therapy and work coaching relationships are not patient relationships but customer relationships. The customer relationship is regulated by the Consumer Protection Act. In this customer relationship, Terapia Revontuli undertakes to perform the service, but cannot guarantee the results desired by the customer.
  3. A customer register is created for customer names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and street addresses, and maintained in accordance with the GDPR. The customer register is used for customer satisfaction surveys, service development and Terapia Revontuli’s own marketing. The customer may, if he/she so wishes, deny the use his/her data for these purposes. Customer register information is never disclosed to third parties.
  4. Notes about the client related to brief therapy or work coaching discussions are not stored electronically, but the general reason for the client visit is recorded in the therapist’s private files, pseudonymized and protected by multiple passwords. Written notes are discarded at the end of the brief therapy or work coaching relationship. The brief therapy or work coaching relationship is considered to be terminated after 12 months has passed since the client’s last visit.
  5. If the client does not arrive at the reception on the time he/she has booked or cancels his/her brief therapy visit less than 24 hours before the booked time, he/she will be charged the normal visit fee. An exception to this policy is when the customer has a medical certificate that offers a reason for the cancellation, in which case no visit fee is charged. Unless otherwise agreed with the customer, the invoice will be sent to the customer by e-mail.
  6. A reminder fee of 5 EUR will be charged for the reminder invoice. Brief therapy or work coaching may be interrupted due to repeated payment delays. The due date for the invoice is 14 days from the time of the brief therapy or work coaching session of the customer.
  7. The brief therapy or work coaching relationship ends at any stage if the client so wishes. By booking a session, the client does not undertake to continue brief therapy or work coaching later. The customer has the right to terminate the customer relationship without justification.
  8. The therapist may terminate the client relationship at her discretion. If the therapist terminates the client relationship, the client has the right to request justifications and instructions for finding a new therapist.
  9. If a person outside the therapy relationship (for example, a relative or friend of the client) is in contact with the therapist regarding the client’s case, the therapist will inform the client.
  10. Although the goals of brief therapy and work supervision are to help the client, Terapia Revontuli cannot guarantee an improvement in the client’s life situation or mood.
  11. In the event of a dispute, the liability for damages is limited to the service fees paid by the customer.